Tuesday, November 16, 2004

A Letter from the Editor

Mr Anonymous commenter,

You've got issues. Real issues. Your critique is indeed an interesting insight into your psychology. To say that your one comment made me stop blogging, how self-engrossed and egocentric are you? There have been a bunch of things - like not having internet connectivity for 3 weeks when I moved to my new apartment in Bangalore, for instance - that stopped me from blogging all these days. Its not nothing to do with some insignificant character's urge to lecture me on what a blog is.

Mr. walking-talking-Merriam-Webster, if you really need someone to listen to your lectures, go teach some Minnesota school kids who might even be ready to listen to you. And FYI, a blog can be whatever the creator wants it to be, and if you keep it as a Princess Diary that you write into every night, that's your problem.

Oh, and Mr. Khalid Mohammed, do you have something better than the lousy critiques you generate to show for your talents at blogging? Lets see it!

The next blog is directed at Bangaloreans in general and people like you in particular, have fun reading.

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